
Lately my body has been speaking to me in a new language. This is another epiphany, reality once more catching me unawares. How is it that this knowledge comes to me by revelation? If it was woven into the collective warp and weave, I have not felt its warmth. If it was there in the… Continue reading Metamorphosis

Barometric Pressures

Barometric Pressures – Maggie Turner Atmospheric change, the quality of the air, the sky, and sound have shifted. I feel new energy, strange and electric, with every intake of breath. And deep within, there is a loss, a sudden empty cavern, waiting on each breath. So it is, after time divides. Sarah Tryon Smith passed… Continue reading Barometric Pressures

A Remembrance Day Poem 2012

Remembrance Day 2012 War by Maggie Turner The only war I know is where I live and my children grow is in my house and down the street in office buildings where the powerful meet. This war ‘s not fought with guns per se it’s invisible in the day-to-day the bruises hidden the despair masked… Continue reading A Remembrance Day Poem 2012