Busily Recuperating

The summer cold continues to plague me, although the symptoms lessen slowly over time, I am still struggling to keep up my fluids, and go through boxes of tissues. I was only up twice last night coughing, an improvement. This is one miserable cold! My energy levels are definitely down, but I am managing to… Continue reading Busily Recuperating

Basement Curtain

I am cranky today! I don’t think it comes across, in my writing, or even in my interactions with Attila. I just know that I am cranky, because nothing suits me, and some of the negative scripts I have stored in my dark corners are being played for me. Calling foul on those scripts. The… Continue reading Basement Curtain

Still Coughing

I don’t remember feeling this raunchy for this long! Here it is Monday, a week and a day since the first symptoms appeared, and I am still hacking away, with a runny nose, with reduced energy levels. I am feeling better, no doubt about it, the sore throat is just a little bit sore from… Continue reading Still Coughing

How I Intend To Handle The Coming Postal Strike

I don’t often write about larger issues. It isn’t that I don’t know they are there, I do know all too well. Occasionally the interface between the larger issue and the day-to-day actions that I take come close enough together that what I do makes a difference, and I seize those moments when they are… Continue reading How I Intend To Handle The Coming Postal Strike