Snow and Ice

Well, it is always something, isn’t it! Today was to be a day of domestic activity. It began with gathering ingredients for Oat Cakes, only to be interrupted by the ringing telephone. It was a call with a rather desperate invitation to work, immediately, as soon as I could get there. After jumping into and… Continue reading Snow and Ice

Continuing Cold

I find it interesting that this much snow in England causes so much infrastructural distress, as here it is considered a negligable amount. The year that one snowfall resulted in snow that buried the deck railing seen in the picture in this entry, well, we considered that a lot of snow indeed. Everything is relative.… Continue reading Continuing Cold

Cattitude at -22C

This morning the temperature is -22C and the masonry heater has caught up with the weather. The thermometer by the heater reads 21C. I still need to wear a down vest, thermal socks and thick slippers in the house, but I am warm. Today we are expecting a high of -17C, much warmer than yesterday.… Continue reading Cattitude at -22C


Last night may have been the coldest night of the winter, I certainly hope so. When we got out of bed early this morning the temperature was -32C, tonight a low of -26C is predicted. We are losing ground with the heating, the interior temperature is dropping despite all our efforts with wood heating. Mist… Continue reading Brrrrrrr