Another Stage

The five stages of grief have become a part of my daily life. These stages are described as denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. I have experienced disbelief, rage, bargaining in the form of fleshing out what is going on, determining if it is really happening, and it is, and yesterday I moved into depression.… Continue reading Another Stage


I have always regarded myself as slightly dyslexic. Tai Chi has me thinking that my dyslexia might be more severe than I thought it was! I have a Tai Chi instruction video I am trying to follow. The demonstrator is facing the camera. I am facing the demonstrator. We are mirror images, and I find… Continue reading Homonyms


Well, it happened again. The furnace broke down, again. That was an hour and a half ago. Lares is here, fixing a different part that broke down, the fan motor. Attila called Lares, after spending time trying all the things he knew to try. Lares came over straight away, needed different parts, phoned around, found… Continue reading Furnace!


I am humbled. Tai Chi is hard! I learned the first three moves, sort of, and then zoned out on the subsequent moves. Two challenges, overcoming my self-consciousness about my arm, which was the object of some curiosity by the instructors, which was not verbalized, and some curiosity by other participants, again not verbalized. This… Continue reading Activities