Forever and the Parallax Effect

The weather has gone from -34C yesterday morning to -5C this morning! Tropical! Forever Dressing after the morning shower, the concept of forever hit me between the eyes. The clothing in the closet may possibly last for the rest of my life, which is my personal forever. When my time comes, tomorrow will not be… Continue reading Forever and the Parallax Effect

Keeping Up with the Weather

I feel a little sheepish about going on and on about the cold, the snow and the weather. Really though, the extreme weather dominates all aspects of our life, impacting on almost everything we do. This obsession with weather reflects what a powerful agent it is in our little world. Some people feel they need… Continue reading Keeping Up with the Weather


Another cold snap has arrived! And snap is a very appropriate noun. Just now the deck “snapped”, it emitted a loud cracking noise. This happens when the wood suddently and violently contracts. On nights this cold you can often hear the trees themselves snapping in the cold. We roasted a turkey today, so the oven… Continue reading Snap