Luna’s New House

Monday, October 21 On Saturday afternoon I built the last of the curing burns in the masonry heater. Then I closed the dampers, and Attila and I headed out for a visit with Luna and Janus and the Grandbabies. Luna and Janus moved last week, to their dream house. They bought a 1908 vintage home,… Continue reading Luna’s New House

We are in hot water!

Friday, October 17, 2014 Funny when I think about it, when I was a kid, receiving at Christmas was all I thought about. It was magical, the thought that an entity existing in the “outside” world would be kind or generous in any way, Santa Clause was a myth with a heart. It wasn’t that… Continue reading We are in hot water!

Common Sense

I find it challenging to time my meals around medications that must be taken with a meal. Unfortunately, the first dose of the antibiotic given to me in the hospital was taken after midnight. I am usually sleeping at that time of the night. It is a minor inconvenience, but I notice it because I… Continue reading Common Sense


Today’s forecast at the country house, that would be October 10, 2014: “Partly cloudy. 60 percent chance of rain showers changing to 60 percent chance of wet flurries before morning. Low plus 1.” Wet flurries, no! Too soon, too early, not yet… oh well. Hopefully this lot will melt on contact. I arrived home yesterday… Continue reading No!