
Yesterday evening was a yard work day here at Mist Cottage. Attila pruned the trees, he is an expert pruner, having done that for a living for many years. I clipped small bushes that were growing up through the wire fence, unwelcome guests. The yard waste pickup by the municipality is this week, so this… Continue reading Grackles

Day Six: Cloud and Rain and Wind

Thursday, September 14, 2017 Crazy! On my way out the door this evening, as Attila and I were heading out to visit the grocery store, I noticed a hole in the soffit of the house. The hole is where the Grackles have been trying to get in, and I did hear the attempts to get… Continue reading Day Six: Cloud and Rain and Wind


Wouldn’t you know it, a Grackle can live for 23 years or more! So, the Grackle that comes to the corner eves of our house, where there used to be a big hole in the facia, looking to nest in her traditional spot, won’t be giving up any time soon. Every spring a Grackle, and… Continue reading Leaves

April Snow Showers

Friday, April 1, 2016 At last, here we are in April. This year April is feeling a little shy, arriving with warm breezes and showers, only to take a brief retreat into sub-zero temperatures and snow for her first week debut. This week has been the week of legal and financial arrangements in regards to… Continue reading April Snow Showers

Grackles and Mice

Thursday we had an ice storm. Luckily there was no loss of power where we live, so we were cozily tucked up at Mist Cottage for the duration. With one small exception. I wasn’t feeling at all well. What to do, no doctor here. So I took myself off to the Emergency Room at the… Continue reading Grackles and Mice