Yesterday’s News

I wrote this entry yesterday, but did not upload it. Today, while chopping vegetables and peeling tomatoes for spaghetti sauce, I am managing to get it out of the nest. Sports were always a personal best kind of experience for me, the competition aspect was not my focus. I did enjoy winning, but I would… Continue reading Yesterday’s News

Tyranny Sincerely Excerised

Who is the microphone for? Source: This morning I drove an hour to the car dealership for the last maintenance inspection and service appointment, within the warranty on our car. I do not anticipate any issues, the car works well. I had asked if the dealership provided estimates for rust repairs, since we have… Continue reading Tyranny Sincerely Excerised

One Cheese Slice

For decades I have had issues with pre-processed foods. While growing up, we processed our own foods for use during the winter. Apples, pears, potatoes and many other fruits and vegetables were harvested or purchased in sufficient quantity, when they were in season, to last until the next harvest season. The same old canning jars… Continue reading One Cheese Slice

A Not So Quiet Day

The change of scene, arriving back at the country house after our renovation vacation, seemed to agree with Mist. That was yesterday. Today she changed her mind. Nothing suited her this morning! She yowled at me, at the top of her lungs, for hours and hours this morning. I know she wanted the sliding glass… Continue reading A Not So Quiet Day

Side by Side

I know people who are activists. They have a right to their opinions, and I do listen respectfully when interacting with them. I don’t really support “activism”, because the activists that I know like to inflict discomfort and pain on those who are not involved in their hegemonic political endeavours. Bombarding others with political rhetoric,… Continue reading Side by Side