One of the things I like least about using WordPress is that you need to update it periodically. I ALWAYS fail the first time round. Always. This time I tried the automatic update feature, because it seemed as if it would be simpler. Ahem. Not in my capable hands it wasn’t! “An Automated WordPress update… Continue reading Continuity
Contemplating Change
The summer season is not yet in full swing, as far a seasonal residents are concerned. Although there is talk in the media of an economic recovery in Canada, all we can see from our little perch is that the wealthy continue to build monuments to their own comfort, and there is a LOT of… Continue reading Contemplating Change
This morning I had to take the car in for a regularly scheduled maintenance appointment. It is a one hour drive there and a one hour drive back. My mind tends to take off on tangents when I’m driving for any length of time; today the tangent was all about time. I was thinking that… Continue reading Time
Curious George
9:00 a.m. Learning something new is always of interest to an information pack-rat, which might describe me. I’m off this morning to the first (and probably final) session of training on my own time and at my own expense. I will confess that the primary reason I’ve not called them to cancel is that I… Continue reading Curious George
A Good Day
Here I am again. This new venue is easier to post from and more difficult to post from. It is easier to post from because the coding is already there, all I have to do is type and then click on Publish and the deed is done. It is more difficult because it feels different,… Continue reading A Good Day