Tipping The Balance

The new garage roof is doing its job, keeping the garage dry! The project isn’t finished yet, but it is beginning to wind down. Last night Attila puttered instead of building. He spent his evening putting away tools, organizing materials, watering the garden, and just generally taking stock of what still needs to be done.… Continue reading Tipping The Balance

Carl Robert Resting in Peace

Yesterday the family laid my brother Carl Robert to rest. His ashes in my arms, my family and I walked him to his final resting place, shared memories, wept, and said goodbye. My Brother-The-Middle-Boy and I remained behind to stand by the graveside, and witness my brother’s burial, laid to rest beside our Father. I… Continue reading Carl Robert Resting in Peace


thaumaturge |ˈTHôməˌtərj| noun a worker of wonders and performer of miracles; a magician. DERIVATIVES thaumaturgic |ˌTHôməˈtərjik| adjective. thaumaturgical adjective. thaumaturgist |ˈTHôməˌtərjəst| noun. thaumaturgy |ˈTHôməˌtərjē| noun ORIGIN early 18th cent. (as thaumaturg): via medieval Latin from Greek thaumatourgos, from thauma ‘marvel’ + -ergos ‘-working.’ It was the sun hat. I bought the sun hat to withstand… Continue reading Thaumaturge