
Today, this afternoon to be exact, I am to have pap smear. This event has become more stressful as I age. I have many fears. What if my gastrointestinal issues decide to blossom while I am on the table? What if bit of that horrid white paper escapes all cleaning efforts? Really, I think if… Continue reading Resistance!

Are All Addictions Bad?

Day four of the new cholesterol medication, and the end of the old. So far the only side effect I notice is the common one, constipation, which was a side effect of the old medication as well. But, I lie, there does seem to be another side effect, but not one I am complaining about.… Continue reading Are All Addictions Bad?

Little Things

The cold snap is finally over. We can see patches of brown grass now, here and there, where there was only white yesterday. The snow banks are still significant, but they will not last long. We had a lovely quiet weekend. We made croutons, went for walks in the sun, sat on the back porch… Continue reading Little Things