Am I There Yet

It was cold last night, -19C, and tonight they say will be just as cold. Since the house is cooling down, we have gone back to sleeping under the eiderdown. We slept comfortably. The sky is clear, the light quickening, as Attila and I ready for our day of work. Tomorrow is our one day… Continue reading Am I There Yet

Driven Wicked!

Tomorrow is Saturday, and the first of two challenging work weeks is almost, but not quite, over. I work alone tomorrow, and the day has real potential for being a pleasant one. Fingers crossed. One more week! Cold again! The low temperature is predicted as -19C; already the house feels chilly. Two more really cold… Continue reading Driven Wicked!

A Little Bit of Fun

Home sweet home. I’ve three days crossed off my calendar for this week, three more to go, then another week of crossing off the days and April will be here! I have no work in April, good, bad, good, bad… you get the picture. It was chilly out there today, and beautiful. Attila, who works… Continue reading A Little Bit of Fun

The good old days…

Well, today could have gone better. It did not. It is over. I survived. I enjoyed my dinner and since I slept like a baby last night, I hope to do it again tonight. Yes, it isn’t pretty at work, but what is truly surprising to me is that, I just don’t care. I get… Continue reading The good old days…