
We decided not to make pesto last night. Attila was worn out, the humidex yesterday reached at least 44C, probably higher, and he worked all day in that heat. He checked the basil in the garden, and decided it would keep for another day or so, no urgency to get the project done immediately. Instead,… Continue reading Stinkers

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A Hot Day

My day began with preparations for a routine blood test. I must walk to the lab where the blood test is taken, it is about a twenty minute brisk walk. Because today is supposed to be very, very hot and humid, the venture was undertaken first thing in the morning, arriving as they opened at… Continue reading A Hot Day

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Labour Day weekend: well named!

I just put 18 500 ml jars of red peppers into the pressure canner. This is my first pressure canning session of the 2023 harvest season. Attila and I worked together on the preparation for this project, he toted things up and down the basement stairs, including the pressure canner which weighs a ton. He… Continue reading Labour Day weekend: well named!

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Not According To Plan

Canning season is at its peak right now, at least for us. The last two weekends have been spent canning, and this weekend is much the same. The plan was to can a little salsa with our fresh tomatoes, pickle beans and onions, and process the frozen tomatoes with the tomato mill. This would be… Continue reading Not According To Plan

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