Lifting Weights

Life is full of surprises! Sometimes unwelcome, sometimes very welcome indeed. The universe has been lifting weights, including one from my shoulders. Since my request to relocate at work, the opportunity to work seems to be coming my way. I have the equivalent of fifteen days of work scheduled over the next two months. I… Continue reading Lifting Weights

The Fit

Yesterday was eventful.  My official request for relocation has been submitted to my supervisor.  I have asked to be relocated to an office where I have worked occasionally and enjoyed every minute spent on the premises.  This may be employment suicide, I’m not sure.  I feel anxious about change.  The hours are fewer, the drive… Continue reading The Fit

Snow is very amusing.

<whinge session> The weather report is still forecasting very cold overnight temperatures for the weekend. $%^*#$I&*  It looks like grocery shopping in the nearest town may be the only recreational activity we manage for the month of January!  I think that a trip to the little house in the city is mandatory during February, we… Continue reading Snow is very amusing.