Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy

The forecast for today is for warm and sunny weather! I will only be working for two hours, and fully intend to bask in the sunshine during the rest of the day. We continue firing the masonry heater twice a day, as it can still be quite cold at night. The low temperatures for the… Continue reading Here and There, Minute and Massive: Bad Energy is Bad Energy


Another work week has begun. Odd energy out there today. Not in the least unpleasant, but odd. Herself was pleasant, relatively speaking. Customer’s were patient and polite. Once I arrived home for lunch I even received a polite telephone call to tell me that I did not get a job, another job I had applied… Continue reading Navigation

Day of Rest

Well, here we are of a Sunday, home the whole day through. The sky is cloudy, the ground is white and soggy. We have done laundry. We have done dishes. We will cook and do a bit of cleaning. We have had a heart to heart talk, something we find necessary every so often, cleans… Continue reading Day of Rest