A Few Tears

Today I made the decision to suspend my purely recreational activities, that involve meeting with other people. After making all the arrangements, I sat down and surprised myself by shedding tears. I let them flow, for myself, and for the people whose lives have been taken, or turned upside down by the COVID-19 virus.

This decision comes after watching how the coronavirus is being monitored in Ontario, Canada. News of the GO Transit bus, on which the person with COVID-19 traveled, was my final deciding factor. The honour system in Canada, where people flying in from other affected areas of the world decide for themselves whether they will self-isolate for the incubation period, after arriving back in Canada, has failed the public interest, in my opinion.

At this point we don’t know if there are other infected individuals on public transit, in malls, in restaurants… we don’t know. There may be none. There may be one. There may be many. It only takes one to share the virus with many. I won’t be eliminating my chances of infection by avoiding groups of people, just reducing the likelihood of exposure.

This was a difficult decision for me, I will heartily miss my social interactions. But I am of an age to be designated in the high risk category for serious symptoms, so I am being cautious. It surprises me to see quite a few people in the digital world expounding on COVID-19 not being a serious issue, because it’s worst effects are felt by old people, or people with existing health conditions. I find that offensively insensitive. All lives matter. But then I remember that when SARS was spreading, I was relieved that I was not in the group of people considered to be at high risk. However, I would never have diminished anyone else’s concerns because, “it’s not my problem”. And of course, many perfectly healthy young people are succumbing to the virus, so bravado seems inappropriate.

Attila must still head off to work each day, and who knows if he will encounter the virus there, it is a large facility employing people with family from all over the world. He has no choice but to continue to work in that environment, so we are fervently hoping that no one connected to the place contracts the virus! It is out of our hands though, we can only hope. If Attila gets it, then it is likely that I will too.

In the meantime, I am happily taking to my decision to avoid recreational groups of people. I love Mist Cottage, and do not find it a hardship to spend my time here. We will continue to eat well, avoid autoimmune medications, stay well hydrated, stay active, get adequate sleep, and remain hopeful that all will be well.

And with any luck the need, for such a measure as I have just taken in regard to recreational groups, will prove false, and I will be able to resume my activities soon.

Keep safe!



Date: 11:00 AM EST Monday 2 March 2020
Condition: Light Rainshower
Pressure: 100.6 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 2.3°C
Dew point: 1.1°C
Humidity: 91%
Wind: S 28 gust 37 km/h
Visibility: 24 km


Everything is connected… no one thing can change by itself.”
Paul Hawken
1946 –

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It’s hard to tell what kind of actions to take. I was reading about the new Ontario cases and each of them has a link to the original Ontario cases: a brother, a husband – that sort of thing. So at least for now we can say close contact was involved.

DH and I are still planning to travel. We leave on the 15th, travelling to NYC for a cruise. We’re still weighing the incoming news, and probably will until the day before we’re due to leave.

There is now one case of COVID in Manhattan, and our cruise leaves from the Manhattan terminal. All the same, there are 1.7 million people in Manhattan, so the chances of our coming upon someone who had recent contact with the lady in question are in the realm of winning the lottery.

We also wonder what will happen with the islands we intend to visit. Two Caribbean islands now each have a case of COVID. Fortunately, not islands we are visiting. Then again, one cruise ship has been turned away from some islands, because a single member of the crew had a documented case of Influenza Type A.

It’s unsettling but I think when it comes to travelling that things will be more up in the air a month from now.

Joan Lansberry

It’s hard to know just how careful we should be. What counts as “autoimmune medications”? Does the steroid cream I use occasionally for a rash count? Meanwhile, I’m laying low on travel out of the city. I’m still going to church, and the movie theater. We only go to the theater when there’s few people there, during the earliest morning showing. Restaurants? We haven’t been in one in a long time. Will we dare to go to one? Not sure yet. I sure wonder how long for all of this to play out.


When we’ve been on cruises I’ve always been mindful of other people, as well as what I’m doing myself. Some might say it’s excessive but if someone sneezes around me I hold my breath until I leave the immediate vicinity. I’m always careful not to touch my eyes or face when we’re out, and always wash my hands as soon as I get home. So far, I’ve never gotten ill on a cruise.

Oh. I also got my Prevnar13 p eumonia shot 2 weeks ago. Andvwhen I can, 8 weeks to a year later, I’ll get the Pneumovax23 pneumonia shot. Since the coronavirus deaths are from pneumonia, it sure can’t hurt.

The Pneumovax23 is covered btw, Maggie. You might look and see if it’s safe for you.


I think the scariest part is Trump is calling this a hoax. If half of America thinks this is a hoax then there is not a lot we can do. Scary times. All I know is we will be seeing a pandemic sooner than laster. Our planet can not withhold this amount of people.

Anyway, this is Birdie. I am blogging again. Come and say hello! 🙂



Oh Maggie I think I know how you feel. COVID has made our human interactions more problematic. It’s taken away my sense of freedom and safety. I’m in the high risk old fogey group too. One of my friends (also high risk) and I like to go to a local restaurant every two weeks or so. We’ve decided to meet in our homes instead. I thought about bringing some cake or donuts from Dunkin Donuts or Starbucks. Even that made me nervous, so I’m going to get a packaged cake at the grocery store. I still go to church but have changed where I sit (trying to avoid sneezers and coughers). Many parishes are suspending shaking hands during services. Someone else warned me to not dip my fingers in the holy water by the entrance. When I go out or get the mail, my new mantra is “Wash your hands when you get home.” My hand sanitizer hasn’t arrived yet. I know frame of mind is key and have to find a way to be more positive about this experience. So far I haven’t been able to. (((Hugs)))

Joan Lansberry

It sounds like we’re all making good preparations. I’m going to lay off peanuts and various nuts (except almonds). For some reason they irritate the rash situation, which makes me need the ointment. If I avoid those, I can go weeks without the ointment. And I’ll try to lay low on sugars. I used to do that, but have gotten back into sweets. Sugar makes inflammation, which makes it harder to fight bugs. And I’m going to wash my hands more often and be more careful of my sneezes. May we all stay well!


Maggie thank you for the homemade hand sanitizer recipe! I’ve noticed that people selling sanitizers on Amazon are already price gouging. There should be a law against that. It’s nice to have an alternative with a homemade version. In a pinch I guess you could just use some alcohol directly on your hands, although it would probably be too drying. It does sound like the group here is being good and cautious. 🙂


Maggie, as I said the Pneumovax23 is covered – by OHIP. Sorry I wasn’t specific before. Had to ask DH because I didn’t want to make a mistake as to who funds it.


I am covered by dh’s insurance but my doctor says the Pneumovax is “publicly funded”.

I know you’re a few years older than me. Not sure if you’re 65, yet.



Yay! Glad I could help! Anything that cancels out some pneumonia would help protect with corona.

Have you gotten the shingles vaccine, yet? I want to get that once I finish with the pneumonia vaccines.

ava south

I am sorry you have had to change your life for this thing, Maggie. So far, I have avoided most big crowds but I did go with a friend to a casino yesterday. I go to Mass and our bishops have told us to avoid hand shakes but I am not afraid in church. I stay home most days so I hope to avoid this big bad bug. You still have your online friends ….