Life is full of surprises! Sometimes unwelcome, sometimes very welcome indeed. The universe has been lifting weights, including one from my shoulders.

Since my request to relocate at work, the opportunity to work seems to be coming my way. I have the equivalent of fifteen days of work scheduled over the next two months. I am in shock and awe. Sometimes things just fall into place and this seems to be one of those times. This turn of events was not anticipated.
In addition, one of the interviews I recently attended, for a temporary position, looks like it may materialize into about six months work. The hours for this position are flexible, meaning I can juggle the job I already have with the temporary position. That would make for a very busy schedule for the duration of the six month contract, but who’s complaining!
The temperature will fall to -24C tonight. Attila will have an extra fire in the little wood stove downstairs tonight, to keep the basement temperature above freezing. Today is quite windy, which always makes it more challenging to keep the house warm. Although the house is well insulated, it is an older cottage and there is no barrier wrap such as tyvek on the exterior walls. Tomorrow night the predicted temperature will fall to -26C, and Sunday night it will be even colder at -30C. Attila will be working hard with the firewood to keep us warm this weekend.
And… there is a snow squall warning in effect, does that seem fair! Humph!
Worldly Distractions
Snow Squall Warning in Effect
-10 °C
Condition: Cloudy
Pressure: 100.7 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Temperature: -10.0°C
Dewpoint: -14.9°C
Humidity: 68 %
Wind: WNW 21 gust 35 km/h
Wind Chill: -18
“It is easier to fight for one’s principles than to live up to them.”
Alfred Adler
1870 – 1937
I’m glad your work situation is improving. Keep warm!
Thanks Joan. Mist and I are keeping close to the fireplace.
I’m with Joan, really happy to see things picking up for you.