Chocolates have always been my favourite treat at Christmas time. But now, being older and experiencing the inevitable consequence of time, chocolates are something I no longer indulge in. What to do!
I think I have found my solution. Sweet yeast breads! I made loaf of Panettone number four yesterday, and it is so, so good! I eat it plain, and sometimes I spread a wee bit of butter on it. And I enjoy every single bite. This bread has me on the hook.

The real benefit of this bread, is that for me, it is a great substitute for rich Christmas desserts, pies, cakes, cookies, and worst of all chocolates. When compared to the usual dessert roster, this bread is clearly health food.
We are having a quiet weekend here at home, as usual. Attila is working on the insulating the basement. He now has the stud walls built, and the insulation installed, for about 50% of the total area to be covered. It is slow going but oh so satisfying. The difference can be felt when standing in the area of the basement that is now insulated, then moving to an area yet to be insulated. The chill in the area that has no insulation is unmistakable. This is a good winter project, as most of the work is indoors, with only a bit of lumber to be cut in the garage.
I’ve asked Attila to build me a coat rack at the bottom of the basement stairs. Until now I’ve donned my winter wear at the top of the stairs, but have decided that I want to struggle with my winter boots at the bottom of the stairs, where I can place a chair. We use the basement entry exclusively in the winter, and do not clear a path to our official front door. So the basement is where I would prefer to don my winter garb. He not only prepared, painted, and installed a coat rack for me, he also painted the wall behind it, and the wall in the stairwell beside it.
Slowly but surely it is becoming easier to live in Mist Cottage.
Date: 7:00 PM EST Sunday 8 December 2019
Condition: Cloudy
Pressure: 101.7 kPa
Tendency: Falling
Temperature: 4.0°C
Dew point: -0.6°C
Humidity: 72%
Wind: S 45 gust 62 km/h
Visibility: 24 km
“Never compare your inside with somebody else’s outside.”
Hugh Macleod
1965 –
Getting my home “easier to live in” has been my sole (except for the hats) occupation for the past several years. When things get old and break down (i.e. bodies) a house needs lots of “assistive” things to make life easier.
Bex, your hats are amazing, and I am so happy that your community appreciates them!
I keep in mind, as we are going through this “home rescue” renovation experience, that time is going to change the way we live here. We bought a high toilet and low tub with just such parameters in mind, because we hope to live here for a very long time.
It will not be too many more years before Attila’s energy levels slowly begin to lessen. So I would like all of the structural renovation work done first, while he is hale and hearty, because it is the work that requires strength and stamina. My strength and stamina are already slowing down, so that my contributions are shrinking, and Attila is left more and more to handle things on his own. We still have one “heavy” job to do, and that is the back porch, it needs some improved deck supports, roof supports, and decking. The things on the list that are left for last are those interior jobs that will make a aesthetic difference. The drywall and floors are all in desperate need of replacement, holes in the drywall, missing areas of flooring, areas with no wall insulation, wonky wiring, well it just all needs to be ripped out and replaced, which is very hard to do while living here. So we shall see if we ever do tackle the aesthetic elements of Mist Cottage… it is possible to just throw down a rug, run an extension cord, and slap on another layer of paint.
I suspect though, that Attila will get bored once the heavy projects are done, and begin to cast his eye upon the details! We shall see.
Speaking of assistive devices, I read recently about a tub scrubber on a long handle, I am going to look for one!
Congratulations on finding such a happy alternative to chocolate! I no longer eat it as well—it keeps me awake nights, but won’t go so far as to bake bread! You are a wonder, and an inspiration!
Diane, thank you! Giving up chocolate candy was one of the most difficult dietary sacrifices I have faced. I love the stuff. But over time the post-suffering became more and more intense, until it reached a level that created an aversion to all but very minute portions of my favourite treat. I enjoy life a lot more when I don’t push my luck!
The bread is a perfect solution for me, and I would not be eating it very often if I had to make the loaves by hand. The bread machine is an incredible appliance! The ingredients are added to the pan, the pan goes into the appliance, then the lid is closed, a few buttons are pressed, and all there is left to do is wait for it. The bread machine and the Instant Pot have made my very restricted diet rich in diversity and delicious. And I enjoy cooking and baking so much more when I can enjoy the food guilt free.