After spending a few weeks finding places to move and store the items in the corner of the living room, including a table, finally yesterday there was space for our Christmas Tree.
The tree was assembled in place yesterday. It is a large tree, that comes close to touching the ceiling. We leave our tree up through the dead of winter, even the real trees that we enjoyed until the Pandemic began early in 2020. Last year we didn’t have a tree other than a small $5.00 cellophane tabletop tree. Oh how we missed having our real full sized Christmas Tree!
This year we visited Canadian Tire, my first shopping trip since February 2020, to view and purchase an artificial Christmas Tree. I was disappointed that we could not afford the tree that we we really liked, and had to settle on the least expensive tree. So it was a lovely surprise to find that, once assembled, we both like the new tree. It will do nicely for years to come.
This tree is not pre-lit, we will use our own strings of lights to decorate it. Two of our sets of lights will not light up at all, we will spend some time troubleshooting them. Luckily two sets of lights are working well, so Attila wound those round the tree.
One by one our decorations come out of the boxes, and were hung on the branches.
It is just as well that we opted for an artificial tree, and bought it on sale at the beginning of November. There is a shortage of real Christmas Trees in Canada this season, which means the prices will rise. Our income is not going up, and inflation is biting into our budget. The artificial tree means come Christmas time we will have our tree.
Today Attila is decorating the tree. We are playing Christmas Carols and enjoying this tradition. During the Christmas/Solstice season I usually put Christmas and Winter themed images on our electronic devices, desktop images, and screensavers. On the computer that we use as our entertainment centre I have a screen saver that will display my own images, and I have collected quite a few holiday images that we enjoy, some of them photographs of Christmas wrapping papers we both remember from our childhood.
The Christmas Tree, and our festive foods, are the highlights of our holiday season. Now that we have our tree, it will be time to turn our attention to food!

Updated on Sun, Nov 21, 11:55 AM
9 °C
Partly cloudy
Wind 14 S km/h
Humidity 66 %
Visibility 22 km
Sunrise 7:10 AM
Wind gust 21 km/h
Pressure 101.8 kPa
Ceiling 700 m
Sunset 4:35 PM
“Tradition means giving votes to the most obscure of all classes, our ancestors. It is the democracy of the dead. Tradition refuses to submit to the small and arrogant oligarchy of those who merely happen to be walking about.”
G. K. Chesterton
1874 – 1936
Your tree is lovely and I haven’t seen tinsel in ages. I remember when I was a child we had tinsel on our Christmas tree. Could not have that now with kitties in the house! Now I can’t wait to get my little tree up and decorated. 🙂
Nice tree!
We started putting our new tree together yesterday. I really like the branches on it, though I now think a 6.5 foot tree might have been better than the 6 ft one that we got. Ours is a “slim” tree, as we didn’t want the bottom sticking out into a walkway. Lights are on, decorating will finish tomorrow.
I was wondering where I could hang all my faux-fur poms in this house so they would be easily accessible and visible to me, and Paul, in jest, suggested that I get a face Xmas tree and hang them all on it. Wow, I thought that was brilliant. So I went shopping on amaz0n for a tree and realized there is no place we could put a tree big enough for my poms in this tiny cottage, so I gave up on that idea. Oh well. Your tree is so pretty!
Eileen, we use the same tinsel year after year. I spend hours removing it from our trees when it is time to take them down. We were very lucky, our kitty Mist had no interest in the Christmas Tree. Mist was a very mellow kitty, her big passion was killing mice and bats, which we very much appreciated unless she brought them to us while we were lying in bed, or hid them behind items in the closet. But your reminder makes me wonder about the tree itself, with its thin plastic “needles”, I wonder if they might be problematic for cats.
This is early for us to put up our tree, but I am enjoying it so much I think this could become a tradition! Enjoy your tree!
Teri, that is wonderful that you like the branches on your tree. Ours are a bit weird, attached to a ring on which they rotate, but it is very simple to put up and take down. My first artificial tree was purchased in the early 70s, and it was beautiful. Unfortunately it was damaged by damp and could not be salvaged, but I’d love to have another like it. Those branches fitted into slots on the “trunk”, it took forever to assemble and to dissasemble, but was well worth it.
The slim trees are such a great idea, particularly in a small space. Enjoy your decorating!
Thanks Bex, we are pleased with the tree, despite our initial misgivings.
I would love to see a tree decorated with your poms! What beautiful colours there would be. What about a flat, one dimensional tree board to put against the wall, with pegs for your poms. I know though how difficult it is to place things in a small home, but it is fun to explore ideas, however impractical. Happy hatting!
DH and I were talking last night about the older trees with the slotted branches that you put in. Our new tree still has the color coded branches but they’re already permanently hinged to the trunk of the tree.
Maggie,thought you might find this article interesting…
Teri, I’d love to have that old tree again! There seems to be a lot of ways to create artificial trees, and if I had a reasonable budget for purchasing one I think I would have done some research on what is out there, and what suited me best. Too late now :). Thanks for the link, data breaches are disturbing!
Maggie, it really is a lovely tree!
Thanks Wendy! We didn’t fancy our chances with it, and we were wrong. Sometimes I love to be wrong, lol.
This flour company link just came across my Instagram. Thought you might find it interesting. No additives, too.
Thanks for the link Teri, I’ve looked at this Ontario supplier before, and come to the conclusion that they are probably offering the finest quality product available on the market. This is an example of the “artisanal” food I refer to, foods for the discerning affluent shopper.
We are discerning. Bulk barn is selling organic wheat berries at a much lower price, probably not the same level of quality, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Maggie, your tree is beautiful! It looks like a real (live) tree. I love the tinsel. The best thing about a Christmas tree to me is putting on the ornaments. So many have special memories attached to them. Merry Merry and Ho H Ho 🙂
Sandy, sending a big smile and a Merry Merry and Ho Ho Ho your way! Our ornaments have lots of memories too, some of them go as far back as the 1960s. We are quite pleased with the tree, if we don’t get too close to it, it does seem real. When I take my glasses off it seems very real. I imagine the older I get the more real it will look, 🙂 A perk of old age and failing eyesight.