Attila’s Mountain

Attila is working every evening to get our firewood stacked and stored for this winter. He is making progress.

Attila's Wood Mountain becoming a molehill.
Attila's Wood Mountain becoming a molehill.

It has been a hectic week. I discovered that I was tired of going to work in the morning! How did I discover this? Well, I was at the intersection where I turn right to go to work, and without thinking I put on my left turn signal. I had to prevent myself from driving the other way! Sometimes our inner voice takes matters into its own hands.

I do like my job, it is just that I’d like a little break! I am working this Saturday at my part-time job and I think that is what I am reacting to, working six days rather than five. Five is enough, but I won’t give up the part-time job as it would be a real peach if it morphed into permanent hours. One foot in front of the other, the universe has it all in hand.

It rained so hard today that the cars on the highway pulled over to the side of the road, as visibility was zero at speed. It was an odd sight, to see cars lining the highway. The heavy rain lasted for about ten minutes, then everyone went happily on their way.

We travelled to the little house in the city last weekend, the drive was beautiful. I saw this billboard as we were driving south the last time, and had to stop and take a picture this time! Click on the image to load the larger version so that you can read the billboard.

South of Orillia, Ontario, June 2011
South of Orillia, Ontario, June 2011

Worldly Distractions


19 °C
Pressure: 100.2 kPa
Visibility: 16 km
Temperature: 19.0°C
Dewpoint: 18.3°C
Humidity: 96 %


“Son, always tell the truth. Then you’ll never have to remember what you said the last time.”
Sam Rayburn
1882 – 1961


Sam Rayburn

“Rayburn was born in Roane County, Tennessee, and was baptized by Elder H.G. Ball in the Primitive Baptist Church, also known as Old Line Baptist or Hard Shell Baptist Church….

often called “Mr. Sam,” or “Mr. Democrat,” was a Democratic lawmaker from Bonham, Texas, who served as the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives for seventeen years, the longest tenure in U.S. history…

He had married once, to Metze Jones (1897–1982), sister of Texas Congressman Marvin Jones and Rayburn’s colleague, but the marriage ended quickly and no one really ever knew why…

Although many Texas legislators were on the payroll of public service corporations, Rayburn refused to do so. As he recounted in a speech during his congressional campaign:
“When I became a member of the law firm of Steger, Thurmond and Rayburn, Messrs. Thurmond and Steger were representing the Santa Fe Railroad Company, receiving pay monthly. When the first check came after I entered the firm, Mr. Thurmond brought to my desk one-third of the amount of the check, explaining what it was for. I said to him that I was a member of the Legislature, representing the people of Fannin County, and that my experience had taught me that men who represent the people should be as far removed as possible from concerns whose interests he was liable to be called on to legislate concerning, and that on that ground I would not accept a dollar of the railroad’s money, though I was legally entitled to it. I never did take a dollar of it. I have been guided by the principle in all my dealings.”,,,

He was also readily accessible to constituents, who were invited to come to his home in Bonham and visit without prior notice.,,,”

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Maggie, I’m sure you’re getting wicked tired, but I’m so glad that things are looking up for you. All best wishes.


Wendy, I am tired but not miserable by any means. Attila and I anticipate that we will get two one week breaks after the vacation season has abated. It is lovely to have something to look forward to.