
It has been a long, long time since my hair has been cut by a hairdresser. I dislike going to the hairdresser, with one exception, Michael, who cut my hair in the 1990s in the little city. He was a lovely human being, and did a wonderful job. I miss him. We moved away from the little city in 2004, and although I’ve given it a go with various other people, I’ve been disappointed every time.

My hair has been irritating me the last few months. So last night Attila put on his hairdresser hat, and cut my hair. He took quite a bit off, as requested, and I like the result. Not a fancy haircut, but serviceable, and as attractive as I am ever going to be.

Ginger came to us with an obsession for having his belly rubbed. He harbours a relentless need for belly rubs. That is Attila’s department, because Ginger thinks I am another cat and occasionally bites me in play, which does not work for me. I pet him, show him a lot of affection, but I am always leery of those teeth. I don’t heal as fast as I did in my youth.

Ginger has developed a new obsession. This was my doing, mea culpa. I had been reading about cat diets, because Ginger was challenged with hair balls, being the furriest cat I know of. So as a result of my research I decided to see if a little bit of squash puree would settle aid his digestion. By golly, it does! He loves his squash. He loves his squash so much that, when he hears me open the refrigerator door, he comes running into the kitchen in hope.

If I walk into the living room with a dish, he is fixated on that dish, any time of day, any dish. He will decide he wants his squash, or more squash, and sit by his food and water bowls and caterwaul.

I am working on making this obsession easier for both of us to live with. I limit him to a tablespoon or so once a day, provided in the evening. I’ve dedicated a blue dish to kitty squash, quite different from the other dishes in the house, so that he will recognize when his special treat is on the way.

I have been amazed at how keen he is for squash. He turned up his nose at catnip, and tuna on a plate, preferring his dry food. But squash, food of the Gods as far as Ginger is concerned. Thank goodness it is good for him!

How fortunate it is that we have an incredible amount of frozen squash puree in our freezer, dating back as far as 2017. It is still lovely. He will soon have consumed the last of the 2017 squash harvest, then we will move on the the 2018 pureed squash. We grew squash and pumpkin this past summer, so our supply is ongoing. Ginger is eating premium organically grown squash puree. Lucky cat!



Updated on Tue, Nov 14 at 3:15 PM
Wind 5 NW km/h
Humidity 61 %
Visibility 30 km
Sunrise 7:01 AM
Wind gust 7 km/h
Pressure 102.7 kPa
Ceiling 900 m
Sunset 4:42 PM


“There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
1749 – 1832

The disturbing side of social media.

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“Ginger is eating premium organically grown squash puree.” It’s perfectly true but it also made me laugh because I’m sure his orange majesty expects nothing less. Thank you for the happy image. But squash? Cats are weird.

Stubblejumpers Cafe

It always surprises me how much a bad cut or a bad hair day can get me down. I’m old enough to know that looks aren’t what’s important in life, but I like to be able to stand my own face in the bathroom mirror! Glad you got a cut you’re happy with.


That’s so cute, that Ginger loves his squash. We give our pups canned pumpkin, to help with their digestion. They really like it – but not as obsessively as Ginger.

I got my hair cut at the beginning of the summer. I do one of the local hairstylists, after learning DH has no eye or hand for cutting hair. Sometime in the next month I might have it evened out slightly, but I’ll leave it longer to help keep me warm in the winter months.

Joan Lansberry

I smile at Ginger and his squash cravings! So much like humans and their cravings! Haircuts! Julia and I have an economical solution. I cut her hair and she cuts mine, but! I alone cut my bangs (aka ‘fringe’). When she cut them, they were way too short. (Fortunately, that was during the worst of the pandemic, and so few people saw me with bangs revealing part of my forehead.


I cut my own hair. Shoulder length and no layers so fairly easy. I occasionally buy my cats canned cat food with pumpkin in it but very expensive so they don’t get it too often. How funny that your Ginger is so obsessed with it. Glad it works on his hairballs. My one cat loves belly rubs and the other cat likes them only when he is laying on my lap on his side. If he is on his back and you try and give him a belly rub you might lose some blood!