Not Quite Yet

In November I collected all my fruit fly traps, dumped them, cleaned them, and stored them away.

Last week I began to notice the odd fruit fly. Then I observed Ginger tracking them with his eyes across the living room. Then their number increased and they became annoying. The culprit for this infestation was the box of tomatoes Attila had ripening on the main floor of the house.

I pulled out a mason jar and a trap lid, added the usual apple cider vinegar and a drop of dish soap, and set the jar on the dining table, where the flies had been irritating me. I was shocked that in the first hour five fruit flies had been trapped. Over the course of a day there were more than a dozen. That number continues to rise.

The number of ripening tomatoes are dwindling. We had treated ourselves to some fresh romaine lettuce just over a week ago, and have been enjoying fresh green salads every since. Those last garden tomatoes have been a wonderful addition to the salads. Now they are almost gone, and soon the fruit fly issue will abate.



Updated on Wed, Dec 6 at 12:56 PM
-4 °C
Wind 12 N km/h
Humidity 74 %
Visibility 23 km
Sunrise 7:28 AM
Wind gust 18 km/h
Pressure 102 kPa
Ceiling 9100 m
Sunset 4:29 PM


“The great secret that all old people share is that you really haven’t changed in 70 or 80 years. Your body changes, but you don’t change at all.”
Doris Lessing
1919 – 2013

I think this is true at the core of us, but I also believe some of us evolve over time, others do not.