Happy Spring Equinox!
It is cloudy out there today. Last evening I went for a walk, it being the last hours of winter and all. The streets were empty, I could count the number of vehicles that traveled past me on one hand. The air was amazing. The fresh scents of the coming spring were heavenly.
We arise early, 5:00 a.m. This morning I decided to bake Banana Muffins, as I had two over ripe bananas, and hydro was half price. They made a wonderful breakfast.
I have a few tasks I could be doing today, filing for one. I have a stack of papers that have accumulated over the past month, and they need to be stowed away. There are usual things of course, making the bed, doing the dishes, cooking, the little daily things that make for a comfortable life. I have a few larger projects in mind, so much to choose from. Humming and hawing over what to tackle next is almost as much fun as getting going on a project.
It is supposed to be sunny on the weekend, cold, but sunny. I think that is when I will take my first garden tour of the season, in our yard. It is fun to see the plants beginning to take an interest in the world. The Lungwort usually begins activity before any of the other plants, with its lovely dark green leaves.

Date: 12:00 PM EDT Thursday 19 March 2020
Condition: Cloudy
Pressure: 102.5 kPa
Tendency: Rising
Temperature: 5.8°C
Dew point: 0.5°C
Humidity: 69%
Wind: NE 10 km/h
Visibility: 24 km
“I love you the more that I believe you have liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.”
John Keats
1795 – 1821
Happy Spring Equinox!
Thanks Joan! Spring at last, 🙂
Lol! There are lots of good COVID memes out there on the internet, right now. I like the one of the many-armed god Vishnu unamused with having to wash all his hands. 😀
Happy first day of spring!
Teri, Thanks! I haven’t seen that meme, it sounds hilarious 🙂