There and Back Again

I’ve been to visit the Grandbabies!

They carried on with their day-to-day activities: breakfast, school, swimming lessons, homework and playtime. So bright and delightful. I am biased, no doubt about it. I am their Gramma after all!

Luna has her hands full, taking care of her small house, which is under renovation, and these three interactive whirlwinds. She begins the day before light and doesn’t sit down until after nine in the evening. This is what she always dreamed of doing, staying home to raise a family, so despite the obvious challenges, she is living her dream. Lucky husband, lucky kids!

I remember talking to a woman in the waiting room at the hospital a few years back. She said that she moved to Canada from England, leaving her mother and father and siblings, to start a new life with her husband. She said that at the time she didn’t consider how her mother might have felt with her daughter and Grandchildren living so very far away. But when she became a Grandmother herself, she realized how much she had taken away from Mother, she felt it had been very hard on her Mother. I am sure it was.

Today I have been baking bread, four loaves of bread to be exact. I decided to use up the bits of 12 grain cereal and large flake oats in my cupboard by adding them to my bread. One thing led to another and now the contents of my kitchen cupboards are spread all over our living space. It is a huge mess. When I put everything back it will be well ordered and all of the little bits of food in jars will be left on the counter to be incorporated into our meals over the next while. I’ve spent the entire day on this, and it feels great!

So far in September I have been offered six hours of work. The thing is, I like being at home, I really like it. As the time passes I am more and more relaxed and motivated, despite the misery of the active job search.

Last week Attila managed to find reasonably priced pine flooring for our little house in the city. The catch is, it is badly and unevenly stained by the elements. This works for us because I want white floors, and we can paint the pine white then treat it with several layers of low VOC urethane. We won’t have time to put in new flooring right away, because I am very, very keen to address the issues in the bathroom. When the bathroom is redone then we can turn our attention elsewhere.

We will be helping Terra and Lares as they move into their house, taking a short vacation from our own renovations. It will seem luxurious to leave the chaos of renovation at their house!

A short entry, the day caught up with and passed me!