First Harvest

Surprise! Attila left a surprise on the kitchen counter for me yesterday evening. Our first crop harvest for 2021. I immediately set to work, trimming, washing, dicing, making a pie filing, and then baking Rhubarb Squares using half of the diced Rhubarb. The other half was packaged in a labelled plastic bag and popped into the freezer.

It seems our wet spell is about to come to an end. It has rained every day for more than a week now, and the change will be welcome. More welcome still because 2000 litres of rain water wait patiently in the rain tanks, just waiting for a dry spell. Of course, it would be even better if we got enough rain every night to satisfy the garden, and enough sunshine every day to satisfy the garden, and we humans.

We decided to go for a walk in the spring rain last night. It was lovely. Usually if we go for a walk we have to contend with a continuous parade of careless people, who get too close, and are not wearing masks. The walk of fools. Walking in the rain wasn’t popular with anyone but us. It was a relaxing walk. I forgot to wear a hat, so Attila put my glasses in his pocket, as they were soon wet and murky. I wore my Cowichan sweater, and while it kept me totally dry, it was at least twice as heavy with rain when I took it off, as it had been when I put it on. This afternoon it had not completely dried. It was raining again, so off we went for another relaxing stroll, and I again forgot my hat, and wore my Cowichan sweater. My hat is now hanging by the door! I will put my sweater out on the back porch to dry tomorrow, in the promised sunshine.



Updated on Wed, May 5, 6:45 PM
12 °C
Light rain
Wind 9 NW km/h
Humidity 79 %
Visibility 15 km
Sunrise 5:53 AM
Wind gust 13 km/h
Pressure 100.8 kPa
Ceiling 1100 m
Sunset 8:16 PM


“I have never been especially impressed by the heroics of people who are convinced they are about to change the world. I am more awed by those who struggle to make one small difference after another.”
Ellen Goodman
1941 –

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