Insulating the Basement

Last weekend Attila started on the insulating the basement project. Monday evening we visited the local lumber yard to order the materials needed to build the stud walls and drywall. Today the materials were delivered. I have taken a lot of deliveries in my time and, with a few exceptions, the delivery fellows, and they… Continue reading Insulating the Basement

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Bright Gray Day

Well the weather is not a ray of sunshine today. I am still making the transition from months of being super busy with the garden and food preservation, to the quiet and peaceful passage of short winter days. Bread baking has been of interest lately, several loaves of bread with dried fruit were baked, and… Continue reading Bright Gray Day

Categorized as Journal

My Mom

My Mom lives an active life, not as active as she did in her 70s, but still very active and engaged. She is as sharp as a tack. Up until the huge storm that took out the complex she visited every winter in Florida, she was driving to Florida and back, by herself, every winter… Continue reading My Mom

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